mentoring 101

Whether you are a mentor or being mentored, you can use the following tips to achieve maximum impact from your mentoring experiences.
We have also provided key reading resources to help you on your mentoring journey.

tips for mentees

tips for mentors

Establish clear expectations, goals, and a process for the mentoring relationship up front.
Establish clear expectations, goals, and a process for the mentoring relationship up front.
Take an active role in the mentoring relationship. Be engaged, ask questions, and take initiative to drive the sessions.
Provide guidance and direction, but don't be too directive or micromanaging. Maintain balance by asking open-ended questions, offering resources, and helping mentees set their own plans.
Be open to feedback and constructive criticism. Use it to identify areas for growth and development.
Ensure mentoring support is fair and equitable. Tailor to each mentee's needs, and steer clear of biases.
Maintain confidentiality and respect the mentor's time and commitment to the relationship.
Develop key mentoring skills like communication, active listening, coaching, and goal-setting, and have access to training and resources to support mentees effectively.
Follow up after sessions, confirm next meeting times, and take ownership of action items and next steps.
Regularly review the mentoring relationship and be willing to end it professionally if commitments cannot be honored.
Be willing to learn, try new things, and step outside your comfort zone with the mentor's guidance.
Follow up after sessions, confirm next meeting times, and maintain confidentiality.
Communicate openly and honestly about challenges, concerns, or changes in needs or goals.
Cultivate active listening, share personal stories, provide constructive feedback, and celebrate mentee's wins.
Be receptive to the mentor's advice and perspectives, even if they differ from your own.
Avoid being judgemental, dominating the relationship, or trying to have all the answers. Instead, be a sounding board, show empathy, and refer mentees to other experts when needed.
Express gratitude and appreciation for the mentor's time, expertise, and support.
Focus on the mentee's needs and career development, not your own agenda. Ignore the formal roles and titles and find common ground as people.